Vicentini Carni adopts a step by step approach in the control of quality, with special attention given to all the stages of the live of each animal. It was precisely for this reason that, in 2006 the Company commenced the project “Filiera Vicentini Carni” with which it planned for the implementation of strategies to control and guarantee the stages from breeding until slaughtering and dissection. The meat from the supply chain can be identified by the Company’s own trade mark.
The 1940's - The history of the Company takes its rise from Bovine: during the post war period, Riccardo Vicentini embarked on an activity as a negotiator for livestock.
Vicentini Carni re-enters the game, and does this by launching its Corporate Image: not just a simple revival, but a real and precise make over. By the end of 2014 the Company decided to abandons its old company logo, which it had however, earlier on revised in 2005...